Sphaeropteris cooperi

(Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon (1970)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Pteridophyta Class/Clade: Polypodiopsida Order: Cyatheales Family: Cyatheaceae Genus: Sphaeropteris

australian tree fern, scaly tree fern



Key Characters:

Growth Form:








Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


  • Yes

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Naturalized
O'ahu Naturalized
Molokai Potentially Naturalizing
Lana'i Naturalized
Maui Naturalized
Hawai'i Naturalized

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Contr. Gray Herb. 200: 24 (1970)

Other References

Palmer 2003:243 (K, O, M, H, Syn. Cyathea cooperi); Staples & Herbst 2005:32 (DESCR [as C. cooperi]); Oppenheimer 2008:26 (L)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
2 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hanalilolilo sink hole With Acacia and Gouldia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hughes, g.d. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 2/10/1992
3 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Kipapa Stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hanley, J. s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
4 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Lanai BISH 6/10/2004
5 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalilolilo Sink Hole Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G.D. s.n. Molokai BISH 2/10/1992
6 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
7 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koloa dist.; lihue-koloa forest reserve, wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just sw of kapalaoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.h.; perlman, s.; wood, k. collector number: 4593 Maui BISH 4/12/1991
8 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
9 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Plants destroyed because species has become naturalized throughout island. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
10 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kalihi Valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kawelo, K. USARMY 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
11 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon kalihi valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN us army kawelo, k. collector number: usarmy 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
12 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
13 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu, bishop museum, shade house, back side of campus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
14 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Maui, road to Haleakalae Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria 11/22/2007
15 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waiopa gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. perlman, s. collector number: h90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
16 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond Locally common in sparse bushy vegetation, in seriously eroded slope of fine clay deeply weathered red volcanic soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
17 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu: kahala; 3653 kahala avenue; residence of c. f. johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
18 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee, .3 mile down Kumuwela Ridge Road. West of road off of ridge top in small, weedy gully bottom. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1587 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1986
19 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve. Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 510 Kauai PTBG 2/14/2012
20 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalei Valley. Elev. 2220-2340 ft. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5316 Kauai PTBG 3/22/1993
21 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Honokahua, South of Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H60403 Maui PTBG 6/10/2004
22 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee State Park, Mohihi Road near emergency shower. Along the edge of roadside. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3794 Kauai PTBG 3/1/1990
23 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork and upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa. Elev. 2200-3200 ft. Diverse wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 4593 Kauai PTBG 4/13/1991
24 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Maunalei Arboretum, Honolua. ASL. Closed canopy, alien dominated forest of Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, and Psidium guajava. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Scott Meidell & Hank Oppenheimer 188 Maui PTBG
25 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Near boundary with Waimea District. Upper part of Limahuli Valley from ridge separating Limahuli & Hanakapei Valleys (710 m alt.) down to Limahuli Stream (520 m alt.) above big waterfall. Nearly undisturbed rain forest with Metrosideros and Syzygium dominant. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5721 Kauai PTBG 12/10/1987
26 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Halelea Forest Reserve. Along the powerline trail NW of the summit camp area. Stunted forest dominated by Metrosideros, Antidesma, and Dicranopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3546 Kauai PTBG 10/3/1989
27 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon E. Maui, east of Honomanu. In Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8772 Maui PTBG 10/17/2000
28 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve Metrosideros wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 512 Kauai PTBG 2/23/2012
29 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Makaha Valley; upper valley via Milolii Rd.; at 3500 ft. contour north face of upper drainage; west of road. Elev. 3400-3600 ft. Acacia-Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4983 Kauai PTBG 2/22/1996
30 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
31 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch. In gulch bottom. In lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H90705 Lanai PTBG 9/5/2007
32 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hosmer grove area, haleakala national park. outside of area planted by national park research team with trees from continental n. america. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN leila m. shultz; john s. shultz 6395 Kauai US 12/23/1982
33 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koke`e, vicinity of wichman cabin on mohihi rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kauai US 1/17/2005
34 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
35 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon South drainage of upper Honopu; enter via Honopu trail; drop into gulch to north of trail 4180 ft.; Elev. 3700- 3900 feet. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4990 Kauai PTBG 2/25/1996
36 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, kahikinui, wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
37 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; bishop museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 01 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
38 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waianae Range: along the summit of the Waianae Mountains from Mauna Kapu to Pali Kea and beyond Cloud forest on the windward side. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilson, K.A. 2519 Oahu BISH 2/6/1996
39 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Hoholua, Maunalei Arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
40 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Hansen, G. Collector Number: H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
41 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu: Kahala; 3653 Kahala Avenue; residence of C. F. Johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
42 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
43 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Bishop Museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Evans, M.A. 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
44 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
45 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Makiki; grounds of Contemporary Museum, 2411 Makiki Heights Drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Staples, G. 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
46 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggressive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
47 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Koloa Dist.; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa Diverse wet forest dominated by Metrosideros spp., Antidesma, Psychotria, Perrottetia, Hedyotis tryblium, Cyrtandra spp., Labordia spp., Broussaisia, Dubautia, Melicope spp., Freycinetia, Syzygium, Tetraplasandra & w/mixed open patches of Dicranopteris/Diplopterygium especially on the sides & crest of ridge; invaded by Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifolius. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 4593 Kauai BISH 4/12/1991
48 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon oahu forest national wildlife refuge, kipapa stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hanley, j. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
49 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
50 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 MPM 4/24/1991
51 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
52 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shady wet valley in Acacia--Metrosideros forest which has been altered by introduced tree species, such as Aleurites moluccana and Ficus sp. With such shrubby species as Cyrtandra and Cordyline terminalis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Oahu BISH 6/10/2004
53 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; makiki; grounds of contemporary museum, 2411 makiki heights drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN staples, g.w. medbury, j.s. collector number: 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
54 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
55 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Perlman, S. Collector Number: H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
56 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Maui HAPI 11/22/2007
57 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
58 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
59 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
60 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hanalilolilo sink hole With Acacia and Gouldia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hughes, g.d. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 2/10/1992
61 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Kipapa Stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hanley, J. s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
62 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Lanai BISH 6/10/2004
63 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalilolilo Sink Hole Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G.D. s.n. Molokai BISH 2/10/1992
64 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
65 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koloa dist.; lihue-koloa forest reserve, wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just sw of kapalaoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.h.; perlman, s.; wood, k. collector number: 4593 Maui BISH 4/12/1991
66 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
67 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Plants destroyed because species has become naturalized throughout island. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
68 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kalihi Valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kawelo, K. USARMY 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
69 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon kalihi valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN us army kawelo, k. collector number: usarmy 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
70 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
71 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu, bishop museum, shade house, back side of campus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
72 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Maui, road to Haleakalae Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria 11/22/2007
73 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waiopa gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. perlman, s. collector number: h90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
74 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond Locally common in sparse bushy vegetation, in seriously eroded slope of fine clay deeply weathered red volcanic soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
75 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu: kahala; 3653 kahala avenue; residence of c. f. johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
76 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee, .3 mile down Kumuwela Ridge Road. West of road off of ridge top in small, weedy gully bottom. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1587 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1986
77 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve. Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 510 Kauai PTBG 2/14/2012
78 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalei Valley. Elev. 2220-2340 ft. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5316 Kauai PTBG 3/22/1993
79 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Honokahua, South of Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H60403 Maui PTBG 6/10/2004
80 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee State Park, Mohihi Road near emergency shower. Along the edge of roadside. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3794 Kauai PTBG 3/1/1990
81 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork and upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa. Elev. 2200-3200 ft. Diverse wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 4593 Kauai PTBG 4/13/1991
82 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Maunalei Arboretum, Honolua. ASL. Closed canopy, alien dominated forest of Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, and Psidium guajava. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Scott Meidell & Hank Oppenheimer 188 Maui PTBG
83 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Near boundary with Waimea District. Upper part of Limahuli Valley from ridge separating Limahuli & Hanakapei Valleys (710 m alt.) down to Limahuli Stream (520 m alt.) above big waterfall. Nearly undisturbed rain forest with Metrosideros and Syzygium dominant. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5721 Kauai PTBG 12/10/1987
84 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Halelea Forest Reserve. Along the powerline trail NW of the summit camp area. Stunted forest dominated by Metrosideros, Antidesma, and Dicranopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3546 Kauai PTBG 10/3/1989
85 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon E. Maui, east of Honomanu. In Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8772 Maui PTBG 10/17/2000
86 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve Metrosideros wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 512 Kauai PTBG 2/23/2012
87 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Makaha Valley; upper valley via Milolii Rd.; at 3500 ft. contour north face of upper drainage; west of road. Elev. 3400-3600 ft. Acacia-Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4983 Kauai PTBG 2/22/1996
88 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
89 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch. In gulch bottom. In lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H90705 Lanai PTBG 9/5/2007
90 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hosmer grove area, haleakala national park. outside of area planted by national park research team with trees from continental n. america. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN leila m. shultz; john s. shultz 6395 Kauai US 12/23/1982
91 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koke`e, vicinity of wichman cabin on mohihi rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kauai US 1/17/2005
92 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
93 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon South drainage of upper Honopu; enter via Honopu trail; drop into gulch to north of trail 4180 ft.; Elev. 3700- 3900 feet. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4990 Kauai PTBG 2/25/1996
94 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, kahikinui, wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
95 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; bishop museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 01 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
96 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waianae Range: along the summit of the Waianae Mountains from Mauna Kapu to Pali Kea and beyond Cloud forest on the windward side. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilson, K.A. 2519 Oahu BISH 2/6/1996
97 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Hoholua, Maunalei Arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
98 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Hansen, G. Collector Number: H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
99 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu: Kahala; 3653 Kahala Avenue; residence of C. F. Johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
100 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
101 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Bishop Museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Evans, M.A. 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
102 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
103 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Makiki; grounds of Contemporary Museum, 2411 Makiki Heights Drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Staples, G. 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
104 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggressive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
105 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Koloa Dist.; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa Diverse wet forest dominated by Metrosideros spp., Antidesma, Psychotria, Perrottetia, Hedyotis tryblium, Cyrtandra spp., Labordia spp., Broussaisia, Dubautia, Melicope spp., Freycinetia, Syzygium, Tetraplasandra & w/mixed open patches of Dicranopteris/Diplopterygium especially on the sides & crest of ridge; invaded by Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifolius. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 4593 Kauai BISH 4/12/1991
106 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon oahu forest national wildlife refuge, kipapa stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hanley, j. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
107 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
108 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 MPM 4/24/1991
109 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
110 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shady wet valley in Acacia--Metrosideros forest which has been altered by introduced tree species, such as Aleurites moluccana and Ficus sp. With such shrubby species as Cyrtandra and Cordyline terminalis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Oahu BISH 6/10/2004
111 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; makiki; grounds of contemporary museum, 2411 makiki heights drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN staples, g.w. medbury, j.s. collector number: 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
112 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
113 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Perlman, S. Collector Number: H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
114 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Maui HAPI 11/22/2007
115 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
116 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
117 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
118 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hanalilolilo sink hole With Acacia and Gouldia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hughes, g.d. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 2/10/1992
119 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Kipapa Stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hanley, J. s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
120 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Lanai BISH 6/10/2004
121 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalilolilo Sink Hole Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G.D. s.n. Molokai BISH 2/10/1992
122 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
123 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koloa dist.; lihue-koloa forest reserve, wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just sw of kapalaoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. lorence, d.h.; perlman, s.; wood, k. collector number: 4593 Maui BISH 4/12/1991
124 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
125 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Plants destroyed because species has become naturalized throughout island. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
126 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kalihi Valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kawelo, K. USARMY 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
127 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon kalihi valley, above waterfall Two plants along trail. Non-native dominated lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN us army kawelo, k. collector number: usarmy 185 Oahu BISH 5/9/2010
128 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
129 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu, bishop museum, shade house, back side of campus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
130 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Maui, road to Haleakalae Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria 11/22/2007
131 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waiopa gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. perlman, s. collector number: h90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
132 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond Locally common in sparse bushy vegetation, in seriously eroded slope of fine clay deeply weathered red volcanic soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
133 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu: kahala; 3653 kahala avenue; residence of c. f. johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
134 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee, .3 mile down Kumuwela Ridge Road. West of road off of ridge top in small, weedy gully bottom. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1587 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1986
135 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve. Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 510 Kauai PTBG 2/14/2012
136 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Hanalei Valley. Elev. 2220-2340 ft. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5316 Kauai PTBG 3/22/1993
137 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Honokahua, South of Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H60403 Maui PTBG 6/10/2004
138 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Kokee State Park, Mohihi Road near emergency shower. Along the edge of roadside. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3794 Kauai PTBG 3/1/1990
139 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork and upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa. Elev. 2200-3200 ft. Diverse wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 4593 Kauai PTBG 4/13/1991
140 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W. Maui, Maunalei Arboretum, Honolua. ASL. Closed canopy, alien dominated forest of Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, and Psidium guajava. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Scott Meidell & Hank Oppenheimer 188 Maui PTBG
141 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Near boundary with Waimea District. Upper part of Limahuli Valley from ridge separating Limahuli & Hanakapei Valleys (710 m alt.) down to Limahuli Stream (520 m alt.) above big waterfall. Nearly undisturbed rain forest with Metrosideros and Syzygium dominant. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5721 Kauai PTBG 12/10/1987
142 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Halelea Forest Reserve. Along the powerline trail NW of the summit camp area. Stunted forest dominated by Metrosideros, Antidesma, and Dicranopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3546 Kauai PTBG 10/3/1989
143 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon E. Maui, east of Honomanu. In Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8772 Maui PTBG 10/17/2000
144 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Limahuli Upper Preserve Metrosideros wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 512 Kauai PTBG 2/23/2012
145 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Makaha Valley; upper valley via Milolii Rd.; at 3500 ft. contour north face of upper drainage; west of road. Elev. 3400-3600 ft. Acacia-Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4983 Kauai PTBG 2/22/1996
146 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Lawai Valley. The National Tropical Botanical Garden. Bamboo Bridge at W end of Hau Tunnel. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 5787 Kauai PTBG 4/21/1995
147 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch. In gulch bottom. In lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H90705 Lanai PTBG 9/5/2007
148 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon hosmer grove area, haleakala national park. outside of area planted by national park research team with trees from continental n. america. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN leila m. shultz; john s. shultz 6395 Kauai US 12/23/1982
149 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon koke`e, vicinity of wichman cabin on mohihi rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kauai US 1/17/2005
150 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, hoholua, maunalei arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
151 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon South drainage of upper Honopu; enter via Honopu trail; drop into gulch to north of trail 4180 ft.; Elev. 3700- 3900 feet. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4990 Kauai PTBG 2/25/1996
152 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, kahikinui, wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
153 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; bishop museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN evans, m. collector number: 01 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
154 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waianae Range: along the summit of the Waianae Mountains from Mauna Kapu to Pali Kea and beyond Cloud forest on the windward side. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilson, K.A. 2519 Oahu BISH 2/6/1996
155 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Hoholua, Maunalei Arboretum Closed-canopy, alien dominated forest. Assoc. vegetation: Cinnamomum burmannii, Ardisia elliptica, Diplazium sandwichianum, Thelypteris hudsoniana, Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 187 Maui BISH 3/7/1997
156 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Hansen, G. Collector Number: H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
157 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu: Kahala; 3653 Kahala Avenue; residence of C. F. Johnston In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2136 Oahu BISH 3/17/1986
158 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Kahikinui, Wailaulau headwaters Single plant observed and destroyed in small gulch. Vegetation: Degraded Acacia/Metrosideros Montane Mesic Forest, w. Coprosma, Pteris, Polystichum, Sadleria, Lythrum, Dodonaea, Myrsine, Anthoxanthum, Holcus, Deschampsia, Axonopus, Physalis, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H90631 Maui BISH 9/28/2006
159 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Bishop Museum In shade house at back of campus. Grown in 18' wooden box. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Evans, M.A. 1 Oahu BISH 6/20/1990
160 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
161 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Honolulu; Makiki; grounds of Contemporary Museum, 2411 Makiki Heights Drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Staples, G. 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
162 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon East Maui, Hana District, Hana District,Kipahulu Valley Growing as an aggressive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, B.H. 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991
163 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Koloa Dist.; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa drainage; along main fork & upper tributaries of Wahiawa stream to crest of ridge just SW of Kapalaoa Diverse wet forest dominated by Metrosideros spp., Antidesma, Psychotria, Perrottetia, Hedyotis tryblium, Cyrtandra spp., Labordia spp., Broussaisia, Dubautia, Melicope spp., Freycinetia, Syzygium, Tetraplasandra & w/mixed open patches of Dicranopteris/Diplopterygium especially on the sides & crest of ridge; invaded by Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifolius. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 4593 Kauai BISH 4/12/1991
164 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon oahu forest national wildlife refuge, kipapa stream, upslope ca 300 yd from stream. Dicranopteris-dominated slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hanley, j. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 9/8/2011
165 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon waianae range: along the summit of the waianae mountains from mauna kapu to pali kea and beyond PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilson, k.a. palmer, d.d.; obata, j.; gustafason, b. collector number: 2519 Kauai BISH 2/6/1996
166 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 MPM 4/24/1991
167 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
168 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shady wet valley in Acacia--Metrosideros forest which has been altered by introduced tree species, such as Aleurites moluccana and Ficus sp. With such shrubby species as Cyrtandra and Cordyline terminalis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Oahu BISH 6/10/2004
169 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon honolulu; makiki; grounds of contemporary museum, 2411 makiki heights drive In garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN staples, g.w. medbury, j.s. collector number: 848 Oahu BISH 7/13/1992
170 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon w maui, lahaina district, honokahua, s of valley In shade of planted Cryptomeria, with Dicranopteris ground cover. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. hansen, g. collector number: h60403 Maui BISH 6/10/2004
171 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon Waiopa Gulch Occasional, naturalized, plants destroyed when found in gulch bottom in lowland wet to mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Perlman, S. Collector Number: H90705 Lanai BISH 9/5/2007
172 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley Under bridge in ephemeral creek. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN B.A. Bennett; R.S. Mulder 07-0330 Maui HAPI 11/22/2007
173 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon W Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua, S of Valley HUMAN_OBSERVATION Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) Maui HAPI 11/13/2008
174 Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon east maui, hana district, hana district,kipahulu valley Growing as an aggresive weed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: 3056 Maui BISH 4/24/1991